Tuesday, November 26, 2019

13 estados con licencias de manejar para indocumentados

13 estados con licencias de manejar para indocumentados En la actualidad, los siguientes estados permiten sacar la licencia de manejar a los migrantes indocumentados: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, Nuevo Mà ©xico, Utah,Vermont y Washington. A ellos se sumà ³ el estado de Nueva York al aprobar la ley Green Light Bill en junio de 2019. Adems, tambià ©n es posible en Washington D.C., la capital de Estados Unidos. Cabe destacar que ni Texas ni Nueva York, el segundo y el tercer estado con ms poblacià ³n migrante, permite sacar la licencia de manejar a indocumentados. Texas, adems, es un estado con legislacià ³n problemtica para la poblacià ³n sin papeles. Es importante conocer los requisitos mà ­nimos que se piden en cada estado, ya que son distintos y quà © quiere decir que no se puede utilizar como identificacià ³n o para usos federales. Adems, es conveniente saber su relacià ³n con otras formas de identificacià ³n, como matrà ­cula consular y I.D. emitidos por algunas ciudades. 13 estados que permiten sacar la licencia de manejar a indocumentados y sus requisitos bsicos Por orden alfabà ©tico, son los siguientes: California. En aplicacià ³n de la ley AB60 ese estado permite sacar la licencia de manejar a los indocumentados que puedan probar residencia en California.  El permiso, que no puede ser utilizado como forma de identificacià ³n, tiene una marca que lo diferencia de las licencias emitidas a las personas que pueden probar que tienen estados migratorio legal en Estados Unidos. Colorado. En virtud de la ley SB 13-251, los migrantes indocumentados pueden solicitar el permiso de manejar. Para ello deben probar residencia en ese estado admitià ©ndose diferentes posibilidades. Por ejemplo, haber pagado income tax el aà ±o anterior, tener un nà ºmero de identificacià ³n fiscal conocido como ITIN y probar residencia por dos aà ±os con otros medios, etc. Connecticut. La ley HB 6495 autorizà ³ que los migrantes indocumentados puedan obtener la licencia de manejar en ese estado si pueden probar residencia en el mismo y nunca han sido condenados por un delito. Este permiso no puede utilizarse como identificacià ³n. Delaware. La ley SB 59 de ese estado autoriza a los indocumentados a obtener la licencia de manejar si prueban su residencia en ese estado mediante la planilla de pago de impuestos o porque han sido declarados como dependientes en las planillas de algà ºn residente. Tampoco vale como forma de identificacià ³n. Hawaii. La ley H 1007 autoriza la licencia para los indocumentados que puedan probar residencia en el archipià ©lago. Illinois. Por aplicacià ³n de la ley SB 0957, los migrantes indocumentados con ms de un aà ±o de residencia en el estado pueden sacar la licencia de manejar, que est marcada con una nota que hace referencia a su carcter de  ¨visitante temporal ¨.  Adems, es necesario presentar el pasaporte o la matrà ­cula consular para probar la identidad. Este permiso de manejar de Illinois es vlido por tres aà ±os. Maryland. La ley SB 715 autoriza la licencia de manejar para indocumentados que pagan impuestos en ese estado o son declarados como dependientes en las planillas de impuestos de un residente. Los permisos de este estado para indocumentados tienen un diseà ±o distinto a las regulares y, adems de no poder ser utilizadas como identificacià ³n, se seà ±ala expresamente que no pueden ser utilizadas para comprar armas. Nevada. Este estado autorizà ³ las licencias de manejar para indocumentados con la ley SB 303. El permiso es ligeramente diferente al regular y no puede ser utilizado como identificacià ³n.   Nueva York. Este estado aprobà ³ la ley Green Light Bill el 17 de junio de 2019 autorizando manejar a los indocumentados manejar en ese estado. La ley entrar en vigor a los 180 dà ­as y se estima que las primeras licencias podrn solicitarse en diciembre de ese aà ±o. Nuevo Mà ©xico. Este estado tiene una de las leyes ms antiguas que permiten obtener la licencia de manejar a indocumentados: la ley HB 173 del aà ±o 2003. Se ha intentado modificar para restringirla o incluso anular en varias ocasiones. Utah. La ley SB 227 permite las licencias de manejar para indocumentados vlidas por un aà ±o. Estos permisos son diferentes a los regulares y contienen la frase de que à ºnicamente son vlidas para manejar. Vermont. En aplicacià ³n de la ley S 38, los migrantes indocumentados en ese estado pueden obtener una tarjeta que brinda el privilegio de manejar. Es necesario probar la identidad y residencia en ese estado. Washington. Este es el estado con la ley ms antigua en vigor autorizando a los indocumentados para sacar la licencia de manejar ya que la HB 1444 entrà ³ en aplicacià ³n en 1993. Adems, es un estado que aunque tambià ©n exige residir dentro de su territorio, admite muchos documentos como prueba. Por ejemplo, pago de impuestos, factura de una utility, pago de matrà ­cula de universidad o transcripts de escuela, certificados de nacimiento de un hijo en ese estado o de matrimonio, etc. Y, por à ºltimo, la capital de los Estados Unidos, Washington D.C. tambià ©n permite, en aplicacià ³n de la ley B 20-275, la licencia de manejar para indocumentados. En este caso, es necesario probar residencia en la ciudad por ms de seis meses. La licencia, que es vlida por 8 aà ±os, no sirve como identificacià ³n.    ¿Para quà © sirve la licencia de manejar para indocumentados? En principio, su funcià ³n es autorizar para manejar y para comprar un seguro de auto. La mayorà ­a las licencias estatales para indocumentados contienen una marca o una frase que las hace diferente a las regulares. Esto significa que no pueden ser utilizadas como identificacià ³n para asuntos federales o en edificios federales, como los de Inmigracià ³n, prisiones federales, bases militares, etc. Adems, no se puede embarcar a un avià ³n mostrando documentos que no cumplan con los requisitos de la ley conocida como Real ID Act. Esto quiere decir que solamente se podrn utilizar como documentos para mostrar la identidad aquellas licencias de manejar que, para obtenerlas, hubiera sido necesario probar presencia legal en los Estados Unidos. Otras formas de identificacià ³n Ni la matrà ­cula consular ni los I.D. que emiten algunas ciudades como por ejemplo Nueva York, New Haven o San Francisco, pueden utilizarse para manejar legalmente o comprar seguro de auto. En cuanto a las licencias internacionales de manejar, à ©stas cumplen su funcià ³n, pero en ningà ºn caso sirven para sustituir la licencia de un estado y a pesar de lo que se dice, no son formas vlidas para manejar para los indocumentados. De interà ©s para migrantes indocumentados Salvo por orden judicial, los indocumentados no estn obligados a presentar a ninguna autoridad documentos que sirvan para establecer o probar su presencia irregular en los Estados Unidos. Para estar protegidos es importante conocer cules son los derechos que se tienen, especialmente en caso de arresto o detencià ³n. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Varying Assignments to Enhance Student Learning Styles

Varying Assignments to Enhance Student Learning Styles Methods for Varying Assignments Each student comes to your class with their own learning style strengths and weaknesses. Some will be stronger at auditory learning or learning through listening and sound. Others might find they learn better visually, gaining understanding through reading and writing.  Ã‚  Finally, many  students will be stronger kinesthetic learners, learning better through hands-on activities. Therefore, it is important that we present lessons to students through a variety of techniques that play to each of their strengths. While most teachers know this and try to vary presentation techniques as much as possible, it can be quite easy to forget about changing up assignments. In other words, if your student is an auditory learner, their understanding of the material will be reflected better through an auditory method. Traditionally, we have students present us with what  they have learned through written means: essays, multiple choice tests, and short answers. However, some students might do a better job reflecting their comprehension of what they have learned through either verbal or kinesthetic means.   Therefore, requiring students  to vary their responses can not only help more of them shine by working in their dominant learning style but it can also allow all students the chance to find new ways to learn.   Following are ideas for activities that you can have students complete in each of their dominant learning styles. Realize, however, that many of these actually play to the strengths of more than one category.   Visual Learners Typical Written Activities - These include assignments like essays and short answer questions.  Outlining - Students can outline a chapter in a book or other reading assignment.  Flash Cards - Students can create flashcards that they can not only submit as an assignment but also use for review.  SQ3R - This stands for  Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review and is quite an effective reading comprehension method.   Auditory Learners Cooperative Learning Activities - Activities that include auditory interaction between students can be quite powerful.Class Discussions - Students can discuss the lesson with teacher support.  Debates - Students can work in groups to debate an issue.  Recitations - Having students memorize and recite poetry or other readings also has the added benefit of helping improve their memory.  Musical Activities  - Students can use music in a number of ways. For example, in an American History class, students might find songs that represent the turmoil of the 1960s protests. You might also have students write their own lyrics to songs as a way to present the information that they have learned.   Kinesthetic Learners Dramatic Presentations - Having students present their information through a play or other dramatic presentation not only helps kinesthetic learners, but also auditory learners as well.  Speeches With Props   - Students can stand before the class and speak about a topic while using props.  Teacher  for the Day Activities - Give students parts of a lesson that they are to teach to the rest of the class. You can choose to have the students work individually or in small groups.  Simulations - Getting students moving around the classroom as they simulate an event like a presidential election can build  interest and excitement in learning.  Manipulatives - Students enjoy being able to use manipulatives in classes like mathematics and science.Incorporating Dance or Exercise - While this might not work in some  classes, allowing students the ability to choose to incorporate dance or exercise  as a method of lesson presentation can open up a whole new avenue of learning.  Outdoor Activities - Students  can be given assignments that require them to go outside and move around.    Obviously, your subject matter and classroom environment will impact which of these would be the best fit for your students. However, I challenge you to move outside your comfort zone and try to find a way to not only represent lessons while incorporating all three learning styles, but also giving students assignments and activities that allow them to use different learning modalities as well.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nuclear Power Must Not be Phased Out Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Nuclear Power Must Not be Phased Out - Essay Example The rest is either exaggerated or purely hypothetical. Despite the claims against it and despite the mass appeal of such claims, nuclear power must NOT be phased out for the simple reason that it is one very sustainable source of energy. Nuclear energy remains sustainable because it is an energy source which is almost free from greenhouse emissions and thus will not likely have a great impact on climate change. Anti-nuclear power activists argue that most of nuclear energy comes in the form of fossil fuels and that this will eventually contribute to the greenhouse effect.1 This stems from the fact that fossil fuels, although not a direct source of nuclear energy, is the energy source upon which various stages of nuclear power production are made possible. In fact, electricity is used for various stages of the nuclear process such as uranium enrichment, the building of power plants, and the processing and storage of nuclear waste. Moreover, the idea is that the goal of nuclear fission is still the production of electricity, which is a major source of greenhouse gases.2 All these are believed to generate a â€Å"relatively high† amount of greenhouse gas emissions.... go to the opposite extreme in claiming that nuclear energy is â€Å"the world’s largest source of emission-free energy,† it would suffice to humbly admit that nuclear energy still contributes to the greenhouse effect, but the point is that what it contributes is statistically negligible. Aside from the insignificant amount of emissions from nuclear energy, its sustainability also depends on the idea that its waste products are relatively manageable. Nuclear waste is something that remains dangerous even for thousands of years and that there is always a possibility of contaminating huge areas. Furthermore, it is a cold hard fact that â€Å"there is no completely safe way to store nuclear waste.†6 Moreover, there is no guarantee that research on nuclear waste management will turn out to be successful.7 Admittedly, the issue of nuclear waste disposal is a strong argument against the sustainability of nuclear energy. Nevertheless, the volumes of wastes from fossil fu els are relatively much greater in quantity compared to those produced by nuclear power plants and thus, potential environmental damage is greatly reduced.8 Volume of wastes produced may be a minor issue in the environmental sustainability of nuclear energy but it is not as important compared to the factor of waste management. It may be true that nuclear wastes proves to be a threat to the environment but the nuclear technical community is rather more optimistic in believing that nuclear wastes can be contained or isolated safely until radioactivity cannot anymore harm humans or the environment.9 The solution is research and as of the moment, efforts are being made by governments in order to minimize emissions such as nitrogen oxides and particulate matter.10 The issue of nuclear waste disposal, therefore,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Human Resource Info Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Human Resource Info Systems - Assignment Example the concerned scenario, it has been determined that Castle’s Family Restaurant can be termed as a chain of restaurants comprising eight restaurants spread all over north California. Presently, this restaurant chain is facing an issue regarding effective human resource (HR) management. The prime focus of this discussion will be towards effective evaluation of the current management issue within this restaurant chain. Special emphasis will be provided regarding the implication of Human Resources Information System (HRIS) within the functionality of this restaurant chain to increase the efficiency of the work process and simultaneously save significant amount of time as well as money. Based on the case scenario, it can be ascertained that the name of the business which is being assisted is Castle’s Family Restaurant, a restaurant chain business which is established in north California. It has got multiple branches spread all over the area. The restaurant chain can be considered as a large service sector operating within that area and by taking into consideration its current level growth within United States (US) market, it can be stated that the restaurant business has been attaining gradual success and profit. These restaurant business processes have also been significantly contributing in terms of the nation’s quarterly and annual gross domestic product (GDP) figures (National Restaurant Association, 2014). Taking about the business environment, it can be said that this restaurant chain employs a substantial workforce of around 300-340 employees who are placed in eight restaurants of the business. It serves multiple customers and thus requires effective management (Agarwal & Garg, 2012). Correspondingly, by taking into consideration the present management issue within this restaurant chain, it can be stated that the need of a centralized monitoring and control system is of paramount importance. Currently, the staff and the daily process management within

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Technology Effects Essay Example for Free

Technology Effects Essay â€Å"The fact is we didn’t get along well until photography came into its own. Then motion pictures in the early twentieth century. Radio. Television. Things began to have a mass. † This statement that Captain Beatty made while having a conversation with Guy Montag, was stating how the society had changed once the technology grew. Fahrenheit 451 is mainly about the effects of technology and its effects on humanity. It is also involves the topic, censorship, but that did not have much effect on the society as technology did. In fact it was because of the misusage of technology, censorship was even being focused on. In this society houses have parlour walls and in Montag’s house three of the parlour walls are covered with’ wall screens’ or large TV that covers the entire wall. Montag’s wife, Mildred, hardly ever stops watching them. Mildred’s favorite programs are the shows that involved scripts- she was given a script so that she could ‘become’ a part of the shows from her own living room. People in this society even called the actors on these programs their ‘family’. One day Montag was sick and he couldn’t handle the noise of the parlour, so he asked his wife to turn it off. Even in a situation like that she had rejected his request and replied, â€Å"That’s my family. † The TV separates one from the rest of the world. It even replaces the meaning of what family actually is. The society does not realize how this useless machine is hypnotizing people in dangerous way. Still there is a censorship that states owning and reading books are illegal. That does not even effect one- fourth of the society, because no one has time for it anyway. The majority of the society is too busy keeping up with all their TV programs. That is what is really affecting the people. In Fahrenheit 451, TV is not the only technology product that isolates someone from everyone else. Seashell Radios do it also. A seashell radio is a ear device that produces calm ocean sounds throughout the entire day. A person carried away with the relaxation of this cannot think about anything. And because they can’t hear other sounds , they don’t want to socialize with others. It allows them to be in their own world. With a device like the seashell radio, it is not reasonable to have a censorship idea that the people don’t have time to think. It is not that they actually don’t have time to think instead, they are simply not making time. If the seashell radio was not invented they more likely would have been able to think more.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How God turned My Life Around :: Religion Christianity Essays

How God turned My Life Around â€Å"Jesus loves me; this I know.† These lyrics sound through the halls of churches almost every Sunday morning. â€Å"Jesus Loves Me,† the familiar tune which reassures children that Jesus does love them no matter what color they are. Why? â€Å"The Bible tells me so.† I have sung this song myself. I grew up on it’s lyrics. Despite the reassurance that my Savior loved me, I compartmentalized such love into the â€Å"Christian life† alone. â€Å"The Christian life,† for so long, was something that took place only when I was thinking about Christ and reading the bible and praying. I did not follow Christ all the time, so did Jesus still love me? I’m going to show you now how God used a man named Randy Turner to turn my life around—taking an inferior boy and showing him the grace of God. I remember the day well. There was a disturbance of some sort in the house of which I had taken part. I am not sure whether I was the malefactor or was the beneficiary, probably a quarrel with my brothers, but I do remember what happened thereafter. After my rebuke, I walked through the back door and proceeded to the garage. In those days, and even now, the garage was not meant for cars but for storage, so there were boxes upon boxes of stored junk. Upon entering, I moved a few boxes away, found a familiar hole where my brothers and I used to go and hide, bellied myself on the dusty flour, and crawled about three and one half feet under stored chairs and one desk to my destination—a hidden spot in the far corner of garage. None would find me there! Immediately I began to cry. â€Å"No one loves me!† and â€Å"Everybody hates me!† were the phrases that I would say. Tears flowing, I would condemn the world for its hatred and console myself with the words I knew to o well, â€Å"It’s okay. You can survive though no one understands you.† How hopeless words can console is a mystery—but truth switches places with lies when you’re deceived. The truth was that I grew up in a Christian home and was extremely loved. My family showed no favoritism. My brothers and I were treated equally and we loved each other. We had our brushes with each other’s bad side often, but brothers do that.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Dramatic irony Essay

Chapter 18/19 is a link between the first stage of Pips ‘Great Expectations’ and the third stage. Pip is in the 4th year of Pip’s apprenticeship to Joe. A stranger unexpectedly approaches with bullying legal manners. The stranger is Jaggers, a London Lawyer, who announces that Pip has inherited ‘great expectations’ and therefore great fortune from a mysterious benefactor. He will now have to leave the forge and be educated as a gentleman. Pip is warned that the terms of the contract. He must not seek to know the name of the benefactor, and must also keep his nickname of ‘Pip’. This reminds us that there will be continuity between the apprentice and the gentleman. Due to circumstantial evidence Pip assumes, and is convinced that Miss Havisham is his benefactor. (Miss Havisham is a wealthy spinster, turned fanatical and cruel, after being jilted on her wedding day. He spent many childhood days at her house-Satis house to play with Pip’s ‘love’, Estella, her adopted daughter-regardless of being made bitter hearted by Havisham). He remembers seeing Jaggers at Satis house and notes that his tutor to be Matthew Pocket. It is best if she is his benefactor as they are ‘related’. This is the only way he can be a ‘real’ gentleman. However, Jaggers warns us that we have no authority for this opinion. Joe refuses to accept compensation for the loss of his apprentice, Pip. He exclaims â€Å"Pip is that hearty welcome†¦to go free with his services, to honour, and fortun’ as no words can tell him. But if you think money can compensate to me for the loss of the little child-what come to the forge-and ever the best of friends! – -â€Å"This tells us that Pip’s happiness and wellbeing is genuinely important to Joe, he has no qualms about the ‘greater opportunities’ that Pip can gain. Not only are they relatives, on a more sincere level, they are good friends too. Pip is very happy about the fact that he is going to finally be able to follow his ambitions of becoming a gentleman. Before he goes he notices something, â€Å"I saw Joe†¦he never smoked so late, and it seemed to hint to me that he wanted comforting, for some reason or another†. His recognition is hindered by the reason that he can not understand how much Joe cares about him, or why he is even sad, this signifies a further crack in their relationship. Pip resents the touch of sadness in the congratulations of Joe and Biddy. As he goes to bed, he is surprised that his good fortune makes him feel considerably lonely, â€Å"lost in the mazes of my future fortunes†¦ could not trace the paths we had trodden together†. A key emotion that deepens is illustrated. On Pip taking a last walk on the marshes, he dismisses the memory of the convict-thinking that he will never see him again, after all these years. He already starts acting like a snob, planning generous disdain towards the villagers. He even asks Biddy (Joe’s wife after the death of Mrs Joe) to improve Joe’s manners in order to fit him for a ‘higher sphere’. When Biddy answers that Joe has his own pride, Pip accuses her of envy. Pip’s snobbish demeanour results in his refusal to be seen with Joe, despite Joe being a continuous, stable and almost father like, loving figure to him. Pip leaves for London alone, but is seized with remorse on the coach † So subdued I was by those tears..I deliberated with an aching heart.† The reader has little sympathetic approach to see him feeling terrible. Joe and Biddy’s dignity contrasts with the behaviour of everyone else. Everyone else contains hopes to use Pip’s fortune for their own ends; demonstrations of artificial kindness/warmth towards him are made. Dickens lets us know that there are many people around who are quite selfishly on the pursuit for filling their own short comings, but there are also some people who aren’t. Lower class people are depicted ‘truly loving’. The last phrase in this chapter creates a stepping stone for the climax of the story. â€Å"The world lay spread before me†. This indicates that Pip is losing his innocence and is about to enter a world of sin. Pip’s division of mind’, is illustrated by rapid changes in mood; elation to resentment (‘I feel offended’) and condescension (‘handsomely forgiving her’). We are bought about to a sense that things may end with wistfulness and loneliness for Pip. In chapter 39 the narrative shows that Pip isn’t completely happy about the way his life has turned out.† I was alone and had the dull sense of being alone†. This shows that Pip’s pursuit of his ‘great expectations’ has led him to great loneliness. Pip is ‘dispirited and anxious’, he is still ‘long hoping’, and ‘long disappointed’. This suggests that he has some issues about what he has happened. Even though he has got the big opportunity to become a gentleman, his life still feels like there is a missing element, which he has been yearning for, for a long time-shown by the repetition of the word ‘long’, this could be love. The scene is set on a particularly ‘ferocious’, ‘gloomy’ stormy night. The weather is very unsettled. â€Å"It was wretched weather; stormy and wet; mud, mud, mud, deep in all the streets. Day after day†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Dickens uses repetition to emphasize the significance and effects of Magwitch’s resurface. Irony plays a major role here, compellingly helping to set the mood of the scene. Stormy weather/atmosphere is used to convey an artifice of uncertainty embarking around Pip, connecting first chapter. Pip’s feelings are expressed, throwing us back to the graveyard scene. Dramatic irony is finely tuned here preparing us for Magwitch’s much anticipated return. The lights have gone out, due to the bad weather. Dramatically this shows that Magwitch has arrived, and ironically he is about to ‘blow out the light of Pips life’-being a gentleman. Magwitch has come to meet Pip, he represents the voice from the ‘darkness beneath’ coming up. Pip can’t see Magwitch properly, and so does not know that it is him. The expression on the mysterious visitors face both puzzles and annoys Pip, he feels unsure about the person, but the man gives off the impression that he is happy to have met him.† In the instant I had seen a face that was strange to me, looking up with an incomprehensible air of being touched and pleased by the sight of me†. Pip resents the ‘bright and gratified recognition that still shone on his (strangers’) face†, he is weary of the ‘stranger’. He doesn’t want to respond to him and he shows this by inhospitably asking him questions, he thinks that he doesn’t know who he is. The description of ‘the strangers’ appearance is an indication from Dickens that shows that ironically this is Magwitch. Magwitch looks ‘substantially dressed, but roughly’, showing that although he has made a great deal of money, his old habits/ status have still stayed with him, his look ‘voyager by the sea’ indicates that this man has travelled far to get here, Magwitch came from Australia, where he was last taken. He is muscular, in particular ‘strong on his legs’, shows that he could runaway quite easily in spite of his age. Magwitch is ‘browned and hardened’ as a result of exposure to harsh weather and labour. His hair is ‘iron grey’; like irons that convicts would wear to prevent them from escaping. Dickens is trying to relate Magwitch to the realities of crime, to show Pip and both the reader that it was near impossible to shake of the image of crime, even if you had made a large fortune to show as well, at the time. The man’s actions are a clue that he is in fact Magwitch. He continually holds out both of Pip’s hands, which Pip ‘reluctantly gives’, ‘grasping them heartily’ and kisses them. This shows a relationship between them, although a large number of years since contact have passed. The narrative shows Pip’s reaction to be ‘a stupid kind of amazement’ towards the stranger holding out his hands to him. Pip is ‘half suspecting him to be mad’, and ‘wished him gone’, which shows the lack of affection that Pip feels towards a man who clearly shows him some. Dickens is carefully dripping in the truth for added affect. The dialogue explains how Pip recognises the ‘stranger’, (shaking his head with deliberate affection): â€Å"You’re a game one’†¦I’m glad you’ve grown up, a game one! But don’t catch hold of me. You’d be sorry afterwards to have done it†. Magwitch tells Pip that he shouldn’t try to stop him, last time Pip almost got into trouble for helping him. Magwitch just wants to meet Pip and then he will leave. The audience knows that the ‘stranger’ is Magwitch, where up until now Pip doesn’t. The dialogue and narrative proves, to everyone, that the man is Magwitch. He reveals news about his life in Australia. He lets us know how he made his fortune, through land and stock, especially the tough agricultural industry. He has been a stock farmer, a sheep farmer and ‘other trades beside’. Magwitch reveals, by hints, that he is Pip’s benefactor. He coyly pretends to ‘guess’ important facts about Pip and his coming of fortunes. â€Å"†¦income since you come of age†¦first figure, now. Five†¦ there ought to have been some guardian (while he was a minor) †¦the first letter of that lawyer’s name, now. Would it be J?† Pips’ reaction to the news comes as a blow to him; the moment of truth of his position is powerfully portrayed through the language, narrative, and description. â€Å"†¦its disappointments, dangers, disgraces, consequences of all kinds rushed in such multitude that I was borne down †¦ struggle to breath†. The effective use of descriptive alliteration and long sentence structure vividly highlights Pips overwhelming flight of emotions that come ‘flashing down’ upon him. He is especially disgusted as his hopes of being a gentleman have come crashing down, almost like a feeling reflected by the weather, ‘a vast heavy veil driving over’ him. His distress is exemplified by the fact that he deserted his loyal friend Joe for the life that the convict Magwitch has given.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

India Shining Essay

It has been projected that by the year 2020, 62% of India’s population will be between the age group of 15 and 59 years. This is what is known as India’s demographic dividend. This means that while the average age of citizens in other countries is on the rise, a majority of India’s population will be in the employable age group. The question that arises here and one that has been on the minds of many Indians is; does the demographic dividend contain in it a ticking time bomb or will we be able to use this as an opportunity to realize our dream of India Shining? There has been a lot of talk about the opportunity divide in India. This Opportunity Divide is that by the year 2022, 800 million people will be in the working age group but out of these only 200 million will be graduates while the remaining will be in the unskilled group. According to research done by NSDC, between the year 2008 and 2022, 347 million jobs will be created across 22 different high growth sectors in India. For example, the jobs available in the construction industry will be about 33 million, in the auto industry about 35 million, in infrastructure 103 million and in retail about 14 million jobs will be available. The interesting fact here is that India will have both the jobs as well as a matching demographic of population that will have the potential to carry out these jobs. The question is will we be able to train so many people? The Indian government has set a target of training 500 million people by the year 2022, but is this target achievable? The target definitely is a daunting number. As an Indian I do hope that this dream is realized and am proud to be working for an organization that has done some exemplary work in this field. Pratham Institute has trained over 70,000 people through its various vocational training programs and is in the process of training more. I hope that people who come across this blog also find a way to contribute towards India’s future. Maybe then we’ll have the answer to the question raised by the title of this blog.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The History of Human Interactions with Caribou

The History of Human Interactions with Caribou Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus, and known as caribou in North America), were among the last animals domesticated by humans, and some scholars argue that they still arent fully tame. There are currently about 2.5 million domesticated reindeer located in nine countries, and about 100,000 people occupied in tending them. That accounts for about half the total population of reindeer in the world. Social differences between reindeer populations show that domestic reindeer have an earlier breeding season, are smaller and have a less-strong urge to migrate than their wild relatives. While there are multiple subspecies (such as R. t. tarandus and R. t. fennicus), those subcategories include both domestic and wild animals. That is likely the result of continued interbreeding between domesticated and wild animals, and support of scholars contentions that domestication took place relatively recently. Reindeer Key Takeaways Reindeer were first domesticated in eastern Russia between 3000–1000 years agoThere are about 5 million reindeer on our planet, about half are domesticated todayArchaeological evidence shows reindeer were first hunted by humans during the Upper Paleolithic of about 45,000 years agoThe same species are called caribou in North America Why Domesticate a Reindeer? Ethnographic evidence from pastoral peoples of the Eurasian Arctic and Subarctic (such as the Sayan, Nenets, Sami, and Tungus) exploited (and still do) the reindeer for meat, milk, riding, and pack transport. Reindeer saddles used by ethnic Sayan appear to be derived from horse saddles of the Mongolian steppes; those used by Tungus are derived from Turkic cultures on the Altai steppe. Sledges or sleds drawn by draft animals, also have attributes that appear to be adapted from those used with  cattle or horses. These contacts are estimated to have occurred no longer ago than about 1000 BCE. Evidence for the use of sledges has been identified as long ago 8,000 years ago during the Mesolithic in the Baltic Sea basin of northern Europe, but they were not used with reindeer until much later. Studies on reindeer mtDNA completed by Norwegian scholar Knut Rà ¸ed and colleagues identified at least two separate and apparently independent reindeer domestication events, in eastern Russia and Fenno-Scandia (Norway, Sweden, and Finland). Substantial interbreeding of wild and domestic animals in the past obscures DNA differentiation, but even so, the data continue to support at least two or three independent domestication events, probably within the past two or three thousand years. The earliest event was in eastern Russia; evidence for domestication in Fenno-Scandia suggests that domestication may not have occurred there until as late as the Medieval period. Reindeer / Human History Reindeer live in cold climates, and they feed mostly on grass and lichen. During the fall season, their bodies are fat and strong, and their fur is quite thick. The prime time for hunting reindeer, then, would be in the fall, when hunters could collect the best meat, strongest bones and sinews, and thickest fur, to help their families survive the long winters. Archaeological evidence of ancient human predation on reindeer includes amulets, rock art and effigies, reindeer bone and antler, and the remains of mass hunting structures. Reindeer bone and antler and artifacts made from them have been recovered from the French Upper Paleolithic sites of Combe Grenal and Vergisson, suggesting that reindeer were hunted at least as long ago as 45,000 years. Mass Reindeer Hunting Rock art of Alta (UNESCO World Heritage Site), petroglyphs in the Alta Fjord, Norway.   Ã‚  Manuel ROMARIS / Moment / Getty Images Two large mass hunting facilities, similar in design to desert kites, have been recorded in the Varanger peninsula of far northern Norway. These consist of a circular enclosure or pit with a pair of rock lines leading outward in a V–shape arrangement. Hunters would drive the animals into the wide end of the V and then down into the corral, where the reindeer would be slaughtered en masse or kept for a period of time. Rock art panels in the Alta fjord of northern Norway depict such corrals with reindeer and hunters, substantiating the interpretation of the Varanger kites as hunting corrals. Pitfall systems are believed by scholars to have been used beginning in the late Mesolithic (ca. 5000 BCE), and the Alta fjord rock art depictions date to approximately the same time, ~4700–4200 cal  BCE. Evidence for mass kills involving driving reindeer into a lake along two parallel fences built of stone cairns and poles has been found at four sites in southern Norway, used during the second half of the 13th century CE; and mass kills conducted this way are recorded in European history as late as the 17th century. Reindeer Domestication Scholars believe, for the most part, that it is unlikely that humans successfully controlled much of reindeer behavior or affected any morphological changes in reindeer until about 3000 years ago or so. It is unlikely, rather than certain, for a number of reasons, not the least because there is no archaeological site which shows evidence for the domestication of reindeer, at least as yet. If they exist, the sites would be located in the Eurasian Arctic, and there has been little excavation there to date. Genetic changes measured in Finnmark, Norway, were recently documented for 14 reindeer samples, consisting of faunal assemblages from archaeological sites dated between 3400 BCE to 1800 CE. A distinct haplotype shift was identified in the late medieval period, ca. 1500–1800 CE, which is interpreted as evidence of a shift to reindeer pastoralism. Why Werent Reindeer Domesticated Earlier? Why reindeer were domesticated so late is speculation, but some scholars believe that it may relate to the docile nature of reindeer. As wild adults, reindeer are willing to be milked and stay close to human settlements, but at the same time they are also extremely independent, and dont need to be fed or housed by humans. Although some scholars have argued that reindeer were kept as domestic herds by hunter-gatherers beginning the late Pleistocene, a recent study of reindeer bones dated from 130,000 to 10,000 years ago showed no morphological changes in reindeer skeletal material at all over that period. Further, reindeer are still not found outside their native habitats; both of these would be physical marks of domestication. In 2014,  Swedish biologists Anna Skarin and Birgitta Ã…hman reported a study from the reindeers perspective and conclude that human structures- fences and houses and the like- block the reindeers ability to range freely. Simply put, humans make reindeer nervous: and that may very well be why the human–reindeer domestication process is a difficult one. Recent Smi Research Indigenous Smi people began reindeer husbandry by the Medieval period, when the reindeer were used as a food source, but also for traction and carrying loads. They have been interested and actively involved in several recent research projects. Evidence for physical changes in reindeer bones caused by humans using them for load-pulling, carrying and riding has been investigated recently by archaeologists Anna-Kaisa Salmi and Sirpa Niinimki. They examined skeletons of four reindeer reported to have been used for traction, and while they did identify some evidence of patterned skeletal wear and tear, it was not consistent enough to be clear evidence without additional support for the reindeers use as a draft animal.   Norwegian biologist Knut Rà ¸ed and colleagues investigated DNA from 193 reindeer samples from Norway, dated between 1000 and 1700 CE. They identified an influx of new haplotypes in reindeer who died in the 16th and 17th centuries. Rà ¸ed and colleagues believe that likely represents trade in reindeer, as the annual winter Smi trading markets including traders from the south and east into Russia were instituted by then.   Sources Anderson, David G., et al. Landscape Agency and Evenki-Iakut Reindeer Husbandry Along the . Human Ecology 42.2 (2014): 249–66. Print.Zhuia River, Eastern SiberiaBosinski, Gerhard. Remarks on the Grave above Burial 2 at the Sungir Site (Russia). Anthropologie 53.1–2 (2015): 215–19. Print.Ingold, Tim. From the Masters Point of View: Hunting . Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 21.1 (2015): 24–27. Print. IsSacrificeOShea, John, et al. A 9,000-Year-Old Caribou Hunting Structure beneath Lake Huron. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111.19 (2014): 6911–1015. Print.Rautio, Anna-Maria, Torbjà ¶rn Josefsson, and Lars Ãâ€"stlund. Sami Resource Utilization and Site Selection: Historical Harvesting of Inner Bark in Northern Sweden. Human Ecology 42.1 (2014): 137–46. Print.Rà ¸ed, Knut H., Ivar Bjà ¸rklund, and Bjà ¸rnar J. Olsen. From Wild to Domestic Reindeer – Genetic Evidence of a Non-Native Origin of Reindeer Pas toralism in Northern Fennoscandia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 19 (2018): 279–86. Print. Salmi, Anna-Kaisa, and Sirpa Niinimki. Entheseal Changes and Pathological Lesions in Draught Reindeer Skeletons–Four Case Studies from Present-Day Siberia. International Journal of Paleopathology 14 (2016): 91–99. Print.Skarin, Anna, and Birgitta Ã…hman. Do Human Activity and Infrastructure Disturb Domesticated Reindeer? The Need for the Reindeer’s Perspective. Polar Biology 37.7 (2014): 1041–54. Print.Willerslev, Rane, Piers Vitebsky, and Anatoly Alekseyev. Sacrifice as the Ideal Hunt: A Cosmological Explanation for the Origin of Reindeer Domestication. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 21.1 (2015): 1–23. Print.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Potassium Periodic Table of the Elements Facts

Potassium Periodic Table of the Elements Facts Potassium Atomic Number: 19 Potassium Symbol: K on the Periodic Table Potassium Atomic Weight: 39.0983 Discovery: Sir Humphrey Davy 1807 (England) Electron Configuration: [Ar]4s1 Potassium Word Origin: English potash pot ashes; Latin kalium, Arabic qali: alkali. Isotopes: There are 17 isotopes of potassium. Natural potassium is composed of three isotopes, including potassium-40 (0.0118%), a radioactive isotope with a half life of 1.28 x 109 years. Potassium Properties: Potassiums melting point is 63.25Â °C, boiling point is 760Â °C, specific gravity is 0.862 (20Â °C), with a valence of 1. Potassium is one of the most reactive and electropositive of metals. The only metal that is lighter than potassium is lithium. The silvery white metal is soft (easily cut with a knife). The metal must be stored in a mineral oil, such as kerosene, as it oxidizes rapidly in air and catches fire spontaneously when exposed to water. Its decomposition in water evolves hydrogen. Potassium and its salts will color flames violet. Uses: Potash is in high demand as a fertilizer. Potassium, found in most soils, is an element that is essential for plant growth. An alloy of potassium and sodium is used as a heat transfer medium. Potassium salts have many commercial uses. Sources: Potassium is the 7th most abundant element on earth, making up 2.4% of the earths crust, by weight. Potassium is not found free in nature. Potassium was the first metal isolated by electrolysis (Davy, 1807, from caustic potash KOH). Thermal methods (reduction of potassium compounds with C, Si, Na, CaC2) are also used to produce potassium. Sylvite, langbeinite, carnallite, and polyhalite form extensive deposits in ancient lake and sea beds, from which potassium salts can be obtained. In addition to other locations, potash is mined in Germany, Utah, California, and New Mexico. Element Classification: Alkali Metal Potassium Physical Data Density (g/cc): 0.856 Appearance: soft, waxy, silvery-white metal Atomic Radius (pm): 235 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 45.3 Covalent Radius (pm): 203 Ionic Radius: 133 (1e) Specific Heat (20Â °C J/g mol): 0.753 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 102.5 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 2.33 Debye Temperature (Â °K): 100.00 Pauling Negativity Number: 0.82 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 418.5 Oxidation States: 1 Lattice Structure: Body-Centered Cubic Lattice Constant (Ã…): 5.230 CAS Registry Number: 7440-09-7 References Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001) Crescent Chemical Company (2001) Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

New Perspectives and Issues in Educational Language Policy Assignment - 11

New Perspectives and Issues in Educational Language Policy - Assignment Example Through this course, I am well versed with how to handle my attitude in order not to affect the attitude of the student’s towards the course. Furthermore, through this specialization, I have been able to learn how to handle myself and deal with student issues. This is very important in ensuring that my behaviors do not deviate the students’ attention from the course. Furthermore, it has changed my beliefs concerning the course and the strategies to be used to achieve success. Therefore, when handling the students, I am more confident and able to learn the students’ reactions concerning my actions or teaching strategies. As a result, I am able to know when to make changes in order to keep the students glued to the topic of study. Through this course, I have developed immensely. I am now more mature and understand the interests of the students and how to incorporate my personal goals with those of the students. In addition, I now understand how to ensure that the personal life of the students does not affect the ability to learn English. Through teaching special needs Latin Males, I have been able to use the skills learned in the course. I have, therefore, been able to learn that I need to handle my emotions more carefully in order to ensure that they do not affect my teaching practice. Through interacting with Walden colleagues, families and other education professionals, I have been able to learn that educating the students to need a holistic approach. This is through involving all people who interact with the students. Furthermore, teaching students is a learning process; therefore, I need to be open-minded in order to learn from other people including students’ parents (Cooper, Shohamy, Walters, & Cooper, 2001).